Wednesday, August 22, 2007

News worthy

I’m a journalism graduate and even I don’t read the newspapers or watch the news everyday. I think it’s really draining. Reading and watching the same issues about politics, deaths and stuffs that I’m not and will never be affected. But I’m glad I watched the news last night. I was laughing so hard about the Bong Alvarez and Gretchen Malalad story.

The ex-PBA cager, Alvarez, was so drunk and he assaulted the taxi driver because according to him he was… ummm brought to a different place something like that. Then Gretchen came to cover the story for ABS-CBN. Alvarez declined to be interviewed by Malalad so she decided to talk to the cab driver instead. Alvarez, being a total gentleman, didn’t want Malalad to talk to the cab driver and was talking crap. Then he elbowed her and pulled her hair. And what do you expect a karate gold medalist and black belter will do? She gave him a quick punch or two. Gretchen was like ‘bring it on’.

I wouldn’t dare or even think of attacking a karate expert, or just any girl. Well, Alvarez was detained but later bailed out. Nevertheless, serves him right. Talk about being a total A**!!


At 12:55 PM, Blogger ruff nurse-du-jour said...

yeah that was so unethical of bong knowing that he himself used to be a public figure before and gretchen is just doing her job. for god's sakes, gretchen's a woman. what he did was so ungentlemanly of him, trashy attitude i might add. what gretchen did was not only valiant, but classy of her. someone who stands up for herself and has the convictions to fight for what she believes in truly deserve so much accolades. =)

At 1:12 AM, Blogger jln. said...

haha. very funny. i miss philippine news sho! keep me updated!

At 6:36 PM, Blogger x said...

hi! i'm a student in media, too. and i hate reading hard news.

was just hopping around. i rarely come across people who studied journalism, ya know.


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